ok so blogger has a problem n i cant post any pics anytime soon -.-
i think the publish button is abit spoiled too.
long time no post bt gng to post a short post.
so last sat had our POP n i can say it was very successful!
thx to rh for making tat touching video haha.
took pictures n went to ecp after tat.
ate, played water n homed.
waiting for the bus was damn freaking long -.-
will miss the moments in NPCC n all my squadmates =D
today sched n watched a video on mother earth.
didnt noe tat there was so much rubbish in the ocean.
nearly fell asleep during the assembly lol.
1st lesson was ss n mr shafee was so kind to reduce the no of things we need study for the test o.o
mrs guna was nt here so means no el acp for today!
chinese was playing some forming word game. slack~~
emaths then chem n went to hp lol.
jun owes me $7 tmr ahahah!
oh i think im the only one who will drop ice cream inside my own shoe O.O
short post so ending now! bye.
i dun like it one bit.
maybe i shuld just ignore n treat u as invisible?
sometimes i feel like im the one that is casted aside.
dun need me? bye bye then!
That Person Blogged @ 9:22 PM
HAPPY RACIAL HARMONY DAY!!! wee watched harry potter yesterday n i can say it is nice.
i never read the book so i dunno if gt anything missing.
dumbledor(dunno how spell) de spell damn cool!!
the fire spin n kill all the monster.
nice movie! cant wait for the last movie^^
racial harmony day.
for once in a year we get to have peace haha!
oh today el acp was fun!!! =))
let wait for next week one hehe
That Person Blogged @ 8:40 PM

wheee. i juz gt this album!
happy happy =D
hunting for quite awhile =.=
DBSK rock on!!
-i ate sushi today
-there is test almost everyday next week!!
-i dun wan ss acp T.T
-i feel hungry now
-chemistry is growing on me =DD
random ==''
That Person Blogged @ 6:10 PM

boring... nth much to do at home
lol juz on com n find something to do.
passing out soon already! excited excited!!
blogging nowadays is damn short. no fun in life worhh.
=.= bye!
oh ya i dun like ss lesson!!
plus my blog is deaaaaadddd!
That Person Blogged @ 9:35 PM

oral was screwed up. didnt noe wad to say n paused for damn long.
didnt went for acp so next tues think there will be a nice show -.-
plan to spent the weekend wisely.
see other ppl studying already so muz buck up!
all the best for my next exam!
i wan more money to buy wad i wan!!
im so sorry. didnt mean for it to happen. haisz
u were so double-faced.. how could i ever have believed n trusted in you?
That Person Blogged @ 1:10 AM